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Phyco-coding world!

web-devloper and coding Master

Web developers who can create and maintain attractive and user-friendly websites are in high demand, and those with proven ability have higher earning power, as expected.

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Dream Big

Become a web-developer

I alredy learn the basic HTML,CSS.I can build only simple website.I can even teach joniour how to make simple website . My goal is to build 3 website and learn more advance topic

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Full Stack Devoloper

2022-present | As a Learner

Iam not master of HTML, CSS and Javascript. I Know everithing needed to make a website function,efficient. I don't stop with the web . i want beyond with most popular Javascript framework called vue JS> I even know the devolpment, server and security. I will give you 100% web solution.

Baby web Developer

2022-2024 | Pro Level Devoloper |

They don't offer me a job. BUt i made myself as a remove web developer . I made their website and showed it to them.They liked it And uploaded the content.It was fun working at Programming Hero